java.lang.Double compareTo(Double anotherDouble)


public int compareTo(Double anotherDouble)

Java Code Example :

This java example source code demonstrates the use of compareTo(Double anotherDouble) method of Double class.

Some takeaways on the compareTo(Double anotherDouble) method:

  • Compares two Double objects numerically.
  • Double.NaN is considered by this method to be equal to itself and greater than all other double values (including Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY).
  • 0.0d is considered by this method to be greater than -0.0d.
  • returns the value 0 if anotherDouble is numerically equal to this Double; a value less than 0 if this Double is numerically less than anotherDouble; and a value greater than 0 if this Double is numerically greater than anotherDouble.
  • Since JDK 1.2

import static java.lang.System.out;

 * This example source code demonstrates the use of  
 * compareTo(Double anotherDouble) method of Double class

public class DoubleCompareTo {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		Double val1 = 100.25;
		Double val2 = 0.0 / 0.0;
		Double val3 = 9.0 / 0;
		Double val4 = -val1 / 0.0;
		Double val5 = 300.25;
		Double val6 = 0.0;

		 * test all the possible scenario on using the
		 * compareTo(Double anotherDouble) method

		out.println(val1 + " compare to " + val5 + " is?"
				+ val1.compareTo(val5));
		out.println(val2 + " compare to " + val3 + " is?"
				+ val2.compareTo(val3));		
		out.println(val3 + " compare to " + val4 + " is?"
				+ val2.compareTo(val3));		
		out.println(val1 + " compare to " + val2 + " is?"
				+ val1.compareTo(val2));		
		out.println(val6 + " compare to " + val2 + " is?"
				+ val6.compareTo(val2));		
		out.println(val6 + " compare to " + val4 + " is?"
				+ val6.compareTo(val4));


Sample Output :

Running the above example source code will give the following output

100.25 compare to 300.25 is?-1
NaN compare to Infinity is?1
Infinity compare to -Infinity is?1
100.25 compare to NaN is?-1
0.0 compare to NaN is?-1
0.0 compare to -Infinity is?1

Suggested Reading List :

References :