java.lang.Float floatValue()


The floatValue() method of Float class is use to get the primitive equivalent of this Float object. This method will yield the same result as the unboxing concept of java. Let’s say we have declared Float value = 1.32f then both of the following statement will yield the same result

float primitiveVal = value.floatValue()


float primitiveVal = value

The unboxing feature of java will take care of the conversion of Float object to its primitive data type.

Method Syntax

public float floatValue()

Method Returns

The floatValue()  method of Float class returns the float value represented by this object.


Java 1.0

Java Float floatValue() Example

Below is a simple java example on the usage of floatValue() method of Float class.


import java.util.Scanner;

import static java.lang.System.*;

 * This example source code demonstrates the use of 
 * floatValue() method of Float class.

public class FloatValueExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Ask user input
		System.out.print("Enter Desired Value:");
		// declare the scanner object
		Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
		// use scanner to get value from user console
		Float userInput = scan.nextFloat();
		// close the scanner object
		// convert the Float input to primitive float
		float value = userInput.floatValue();
		out.println("Value in prmitive float is " + value);


Basically on the above example, we just ask for user input on the console and then we use the scanner object to get the float input. After that we assign the value to an Float wrapper class and we then get the primitive equivalent of the Float object. Notice that the example above is quite repetitive. Repetitive in the sense that we already have the primitive data type from the start since we use the autoboxing features on this example. Let’s do a little review, the method nextFloat() of Scanner class returns primitive float however we assign the value to object data type Float. Autoboxing feature comes into play on this conversion.

Sample Output

Below is the sample output when you run the above example.

Float floatValue() Sample Output