java.lang.Long min(long a, long b)


The Long.min(long a, long b) java method returns the smaller of two long values as if by calling Math.min.

Make a note that the min() method of Long class is static thus it should be accessed statically which means the we would be calling this method in this format:

Long.min(method args)

Non static method is usually called by just declaring method_name(argument) however in this case since the method is static, it should be called by appending the class name as suffix. We will be encountering a compilation problem if we call the java min method non statically.

Method Syntax

public static long min(long a, long b)

Method Argument

Data Type Parameter Description
long a the first operand
long b the second operand

Method Returns

The min(long a, long b) method of Long class returns the smaller of a and b


Requires Java 1.8 and up

Java Long min(long a, long b) Example

Below is a simple java example on the usage of min(long a, long b) method of Long class.


import java.util.Scanner;

 * This example source code demonstrates the use of  
 * min(long a, long b) method of Long class

public class LongMinExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// Ask for user input
		System.out.print("Enter a value:");

		// declare a scanner object to read the user input
		Scanner s = new Scanner(;
		// get the first value
		long firstValue = s.nextLong();
		// ask for another input
		System.out.print("Enter another value:");
		// get the second value
		long secondValue = s.nextLong();

		// get the smallest of two long values
		Long result = Long.min(firstValue,secondValue);

		// print the result
		System.out.println("Result:" + result);

		// close the scanner object


Sample Output

Below is the sample output when you run the above example.

Java Long min(long a, long b) example output