java.util.Calendar getAvailableLocales()
Description :
This java tutorial shows how to use the getAvailableLocales() method of Calendar class of java.util package. This method returns returns an array of all locales for which the getInstance methods of this class can return localized instances. The array returned by this method will return at least a locale instance equivalent to Locale.US.
Method Syntax :
public static Locale][] getAvailableLocales()
Parameter Input :
DataType | Parameter | Description |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
Method Returns :
This method returns an array of locales for which localized Calendar instances are available.
Compatibility Version :
Requires Java 1.1 and up
Exception :
Discussion :
The Calender getAvailableLocales() method is important in dealing with different locales. This method would be able to give the available localization and from there would be able to select which is appropriate locale base on the project requirements.
Make a note that this method should be statically called.
Java Code Example :
This java example source code demonstrates the use of getAvailableLocales() method of Calendar class. Basically this code just prints all the installed locales.
package; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Locale; /* * This example source code demonstrates the use of * getAvailableLocales() method of Calendar class */ public class CalendarGetAvailableLocalesExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Locale[] listLocale = Calendar.getAvailableLocales(); // list down all locales for(Locale locale:listLocale){ System.out.println(locale); } } }
Sample Output :
Running the getAvailableLocales() method example source code of Calendar class will give you the following output:
ar_AE ar_JO ar_SY hr_HR fr_BE es_PA mt_MT es_VE bg zh_TW it ko uk lv da_DK es_PR vi_VN en_US sr_ME sv_SE es_BO en_SG ar_BH pt ar_SA sk ar_YE hi_IN ga en_MT fi_FI et sv cs sr_BA_#Latn el uk_UA hu fr_CH in es_AR ar_EG ja_JP_JP_#u-ca-japanese es_SV pt_BR be is_IS cs_CZ es pl_PL tr ca_ES sr_CS ms_MY hr lt es_ES es_CO bg_BG sq fr ja sr_BA is es_PY de es_EC es_US ar_SD en ro_RO en_PH ca ar_TN sr_ME_#Latn es_GT sl ko_KR el_CY es_MX ru_RU es_HN zh_HK no_NO_NY hu_HU th_TH ar_IQ es_CL fi ar_MA ga_IE mk tr_TR et_EE ar_QA sr__#Latn pt_PT fr_LU ar_OM th sq_AL es_DO es_CU ar ru en_NZ sr_RS de_CH es_UY ms el_GR iw_IL en_ZA th_TH_TH_#u-nu-thai hi fr_FR de_AT nl no_NO en_AU vi nl_NL fr_CA lv_LV de_LU es_CR ar_KW sr ar_LY mt it_CH da de_DE ar_DZ sk_SK lt_LT it_IT en_IE zh_SG ro en_CA nl_BE no pl zh_CN ja_JP de_GR sr_RS_#Latn iw en_IN ar_LB es_NI zh mk_MK be_BY sl_SI es_PE in_ID en_GB xxxx:en_US
Exception Scenario :
Similar Method :
- N/A
Suggested Reading List :
References :