
On this document we will be showing a java example on how to use the nextElement() method of StringTokenizer Class. The nextElement() method returns the same value as the nextToken method, except that its declared return value is Object rather than String. It exists so that this class can implement the Enumeration interface.

This method is actively being used hand in hand with hasMoreElement() method. When this two method are combined together, we will have a way to effectively traverse throughout the tokens. Same as that of the combination hasNextToken and nextToken, these two method works well. You might be wondering if it’s ok to use hasMoreToken and then nextElement(), that would be Yes. It will work, but as a matter of consistency you must consider it thoroughly.

Method Syntax

public Object nextElement()


NoSuchElementException – if there are no more tokens in this tokenizer’s string.

Method Returns

The nextElement() method returns the next token in the string.


Requires Java 1.0 and up

Java STringTokenizer nextElement() Example

Below is a java code demonstrates the use of nextElement() method of StringTokenizer class. The example presented might be simple however it shows the behaviour of the nextToken() method. Basically we have a string  declared initially and as you can see it’s actually a group of string delimited by “|” pipe. And we used StringTokenizer to break it down into tokens. This will transform the String into a more meaningful information on this case, we presented the first token as string, then the second as age, etc. If you have noticed, the example below is very similar with our nextToken() method example, but since the nextElement() returns an Object rather than a String, we have to cast the return value.


import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * This example source code demonstrates the use of  
 * nextElement() method of StringTokenizer class.

public class StringTokenizerNextElementExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//declare a new String with tokens delimited by |
		String str = "Vince|2|Male|Paya Lebar, Singapore";
		 * initialize our StringTokenizer using input 
		 * as source String and | as the delimiter

		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str,"|");
		String name = (String) st.nextElement();
		String age = (String) st.nextElement();
		String gender = (String) st.nextElement();
		String address = (String) st.nextElement();


Sample Output

Below is the sample output when you run the above example.

java lang StringTokenizer nextElement() example output